Friday, April 22, 2011

An Ant's Prophesy

Earlier today I announced with certainty that rain was definitely coming this afternoon. It wasn't a moment of clairvoyance, as we have received a refreshing storm every afternoon for the past few days, but more of a learned observation when I saw ants gathering outside the house. Throughout my life, I've learned a lot of wives' tales, superstitions, and weather predictions from my 'Jamaican Dads', Desmond and Francis -- one of my favorites being that when 'dem hants piles up, rain gonna fall.' Nina shot me a sideways glance when I stated this matter-of-factly as we exited the yard and headed down the street.

Nina awaiting the afternoon storm

There is something about rain that has always made me tingle. Whether it's a cold winter rain that gives us a good reason to nestle in with a blanket, a purring cat, and a good book, or the warm and unpredictable summer storms with ear piercing cracks of thunder and startling flashes of light, those that are romantic and dangerous, but you just can't help yourself from running outside to play like an overly excited child. I've never minded power outages as they have always appealed to my inner colonial pioneer (I won't get into my Laura Ingalls Wilder days or my stint as apothecary at the colonial craft fair, but I'm sure you catch my drift.) Storms create that feeling like the one you get when you're playing hide and seek, the lump in the pit of your stomach like you're not sure what's about to happen but you know it's going to be exciting.

So you can assume that several months of scorching heat and not a single drop of precipitation had me a little antsy in my pantsies. This past week has been exciting, reminding me of the aggressive and menacing daily afternoon storms that I would watch from my porch in Savannah, when the rains would fall so heavily that you could literally swim in the streets. There is something about a storm that makes me feel like I'm on vacation. Those moments are like snow days, sometimes unexpected, sometimes not, but either way you have to pause and just admire the beauty and power of nature for a minute. I always try to hold onto those moments, that feeling in me that the storm stirs up, the way the breeze feels on my skin as my hair whips around my face, the excitement that I just can't explain, the majestic nature that I don't quite understand -- and I don't try to, because if we attempted to understand and explain everything, all the magic would just fade away.

The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfilment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall.
-Helen Garner


  1. Dear Hannah,
    Oh my...can you write!! I sat here and enjoyed so much the way you beautifully "described" everything. In your previous blog you mentioned that you had concerns about what you are going to do after your time in India is over. You might seriously consider writing as a career choice. You have a gift, Dearheart and you would do very very well. Something to think about!!
    Have a Wonderful, Happy Easter!!


  2. Wow, thank you Mary! I have really discovered my love for words and passion for writing. Not only does it allow me to share my adventures with others, but it helps me to process and digest just what I am experiencing, as well as document my personal chronicles to look back on, remember, and reflect upon. I have been reconsidering my career options as of late....though I have been trained with a degree in metalsmithing, and that is where so much of my passion lies, in visual arts, writing is another form of artistry and has been a saving grace for me. I can't seem to stay in the same place or keep my mind focused on a single goal for too long, so if I could find a job that allows me to create visually, mentally, spiritually, travel often, meet new people, experience new places, cultures, learn more every day, and make a living doing it....well, I would be set for life! I'm hoping that writing could be the best way for me to do that. Thank you for believing in my talents, it is encouraging and really boosts my confidence for what I am doing. You are so wonderful!

    Happy Easter Mary!


  3. Dear Hannah,
    It sounds to me like you just might have a handle on what God's plan might be for you. Sometimes it just takes time to wait for things to unfold. Trying a little of this and that, sifting things thru until you find your niche and are comfortable in your own skin in where you are and what you are doing! All I can tell you is that if you commit everything to Him, He will guide you on the best plan for your life using everything you experience to make you the woman He has designed(He's a designer also!) you to be as well as make you a blessing to others. I love to write as well...and read. For the past couple of years I've been putting together short stories of my experiences with the Lord, how He has walked me thru so much of my life and what I have learned about Him from all of it. They are actually memoirs for my grandchildren. My grandchildren all live in different states and so I don't get to have the one on one that I think most grandparents have. This is my way of sharing the reality of the Lord with them and who I am as well. I hope someday to maybe put it all in a book...get it self-published..and give a copy to each of them. One of my dreams!! :)
    At any rate, I've read hundreds of books probably and I know a good writer when I see one!! That's you!
    Trust me on that one!!
    I'll pray about that for you...:)

  4. Mary, that is so cool! What a special gift for your grandchildren. I know if I got something like that from my grandparents, I would cherish it forever. I hope you keep following your dream and get it published! Thank you for the wonderful compliments, I am really considering heading in the direction of writing....Thank you for your prayers!

