Thursday, April 7, 2011

On The Mend

Our Wounded Soldier
Uday, the aftermath: a missing tooth along with a shiner, some puncture wounds, and swelling.

Even though he's a little down-and-out, Uday still has smiles and love for his friend Thomas


  1. Oh My Dear Hannah,
    Sweetheart, you are much too hard on yourself. Life happens... Sometimes no matter how careful we are, things just happen. The important thing is that we learn as we go along.
    You are doing a wonderful job there with these little ones. You are THERE!
    giving them the love and emotional nurturing that they need...and they feel it and the seeds that you are planting will grow and remain in them as part of who you are and what you taught not just by your words but by your actions.
    Stay well and be good to yourself...
    Praying for your comfort and that you will feel the Lord's great big Hands around you!

  2. Thank you Mary....sometimes it's hard to deal with the guilt and hindsight after something like that happens! I am DEFINITELY learning as I go along! Thank you for keeping me going, my support system has really been there to encourage me when I question why I am here or whether I am making a difference. It's good to know that I have people behind me when I doubt myself. Thank you for your prayers!

